And yet another common argument, among wine producers, lovers and experts, that doesn´t has a definitive answer. Continue following traditions and keep using natural corks or give way to modernization and move on to the alternatives?

As with many arguments that don´t have a straightforward answer, the reply would be: it depends.

It depends on the wine region and the country, how far it is located from the any high quality cork producers, the purpose and focus of the winemaker. The New World that is mostly about modernization and marketing will argue for the screwcaps or other alternatives, the Old World is reluctant to a change, and is in favor for history and traditions. Each part of the wine world and each winemaker have their reasons.

It is generally agreed up to 5 percent of all bottles with natural corks show some degree of spoilage. However, most of the bottles that are good, give you this sensation of the whole experience when ceremoniously opening the bottle, the aromas of flowers and plums fill the air.

Alternative corks solve the problem of TCA, a complex chemical that comes from reactions within corks, which consist of natural molds that contributes to the percentage of spoilage. However, a good quality natural cork gives some essential benefits of history andtraditional winemaking as we know it, that can´t be ignored.

So maybe sometimes it is worth to lose in quantity but stick to the quality of the traditions of ancient winemaking.